Monday, February 18, 2013

A wiki-whah?

You know that sound you hear, the one that brings you back to the 00's... sounds really cool, like a scratching record- but electric... That's what I figured a "wiki" was.. you know... a "wiki-wah" best onomatopoeia out there. Sounds interesting. Also reminds me of the sound at :42 seconds in the Wish You Where Here video from Incubus. Go ahead, check it out... is up there ^.... I'll wait....

Get it now? Yeah... not the right "wiki" but it brings me back to my high school days. Oh well- another chat for another time.

Wikis... the Encyclopedia Brown of Web 2.0. There's even a Wiki for that song: Go figure. Basically a Wiki is a quick way to locate mostly accurate information about everything from history to popular culture topics and everything in between on the web. It can be quickly updated and corrected and many wikis are monitored and changed almost instantaneously, even more than your Call-the-cops-and-wait security system. Take that ADT.. But I digress... Personally, I wiki everything if I need to know it quick. If I were answering a "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" question- I'd probably check a couple sources. For daily life- wiki is my go to. To add these into my classroom I'd have to do a Halo Effect lesson first- trusted vs. untrusted sources, etc. Overall, I definitely wouldn't count them out quite yet. They're definitely more reliable than the dusty old books shoved in my parents' attic sold by those door-to-door guys. Come on, at least no one is waking the neighborhood on a Saturday morning trying to get me to use a Wiki.


  1. I referenced wiki as an onomatopoetic device as well! My husband is a DJ and every time I here 'wiki' that is what I think of.

  2. Would you like to use a lifeline? You can search a wiki, ask a friend, or use 50/50. Hmm... wiki definitely seems like the best choice!

    1. Haha, Elana, I sense a way to introduce students to wikis and just how reliable they can be.
