Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Students who take an extended absence from school due to illness or recovery from a medical procedure are usually unable to make up all work missed. It's a fact- though we try our best, sometimes that last paper doesn't get done. It results in an incomplete or low grade. Or, students miss the introduction and bulk of instruction: we're giving a test and Student A is just returning... What if- the teacher created a podcast to explain different portions of a lesson for those students who are out, or those who are struggling? The flu is a nasty thing- I'd much rather my student listen to my voice from the comfort of their quarantined home than come in and cause me to have a quarantined classroom. Parents are always asking what they can do to help those students who are struggling- maybe create a podcast (by grade level) of tips and strategies for parents to listen to based upon their students needs (ie. fluency, decoding, etc). There are many options- we just need to find the time (and energy) to do them. In a perfect world, I'd: have a full time blog, teach my class using the most up-to-date forms of instruction, they'd all be reading on grade level... and I'd be a size two... But, alas, I must start small... here's to one step at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of creating podcasts for students who have missed quite a bit of school. They don't have to be long and can update them on what we've been doing. I can even point them to EDMODO for more information. I'm now using podcasts and mobile applications. I better stop before my head explodes.
